A Fun Getaway with Self-learning – for primary school students (Chinese version only)
Enhance primary school students’ understanding of school rules, social etiquette and tips to face failure through social narratives.

A Fun Getaway with Self-learning – for secondary school students (Chinese version only)
Provide effective learning strategies to help students master the tips on doing Chinese reading comprehension and writing.

Vacation Buddies – for primary school students (Chinese version only)
Assist parents to nurture their offspring’s social adaptation skills during the long holidays with a view to enhancing their abilities to participle in suitable leisure activities.

Vacation Buddies – for secondary school students (Chinese version only)
Assist students with autism spectrum disorder to plan for their leisure activities, and to master related basic skills in social communication, self-regulation, and time management, as well as to understand use of social media and the hidden rules in social interaction.
Training on the ‘Magic of Executive Functioning Skills’ for students with autism spectrum disorder (Chinese version only)
Assist parents and their offspring to conduct training on the ‘Magic of Executive Functioning Skills’ during leisure time to enhance their work efficiency and outputs.