Type and Number of Special Schools

In the 2023/24 school year (as of September 2023), there are 62 aided special schools in Hong Kong:

School Type Total No. of Schools No. of Schools with Boarding Section

School for Children with Intellectual Disability (ID)1

43 17

School for Children with Visual Impairment (VI)

2 2

School for Children with Hearing Impairment (HI)

1 1

School for Children with Physical Disability (PD)

7 4

School for Social Development (SSD)

8 (7)2

Hospital School3

1 -


62 24 / (7)2


1 Schools for children with ID provide education services for children with mild ID, children with moderate ID and/or children with severe ID in accordance with the missions of respective schools.  Schools for children with mild ID do not provide boarding service.

2 Residential home attached to the SSDs are subvented by the Social Welfare Department.

3 The Hospital School operates classes at 19 public hospitals, providing education services for hospitalised students.  Students staying in hospital do not require boarding service.


Click here to download the “List of Aided Special Schools”.

Click here to access the website of Special School Profiles.

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