Rotary Club of HK Island West Hong Chi Morninghope School

School for Children with Mild
and Moderate Intellectual Disability
(The following information is provided by the school.)
Rotary Club of Hong Kong Island West Hong Chi Morninghope School was established in 1979. The school serves students with mild and moderate intellectual disability (ID). As one of the schools under Hong Chi Association (HCA), it shares the core value of HCA, “Supporting people with ID”. The school’s mission is to “provide comprehensive education and service to develop students’ fullest potentials”. Through implementing the “10P” model, the school hopes that students to be dignified, assertive, disciplined and independent people in society.
Our 10P Model
Personnel and Parents work for the betterment of our Pupils,
Learning and teaching,
Professionalism, Premises and environment.
Together we Plan, we Participate, we Practise.
We share and celebrate our Performances and work towards our Perfection.
Students’ needs and the abilities for independent life are the school’s prime focus. The teaching team of Morninghope School always do the best in teaching and curriculum design to prepare students’for future. The school believes that every child is unique and talented. With adequate teaching, coaching and opportunities provided, their potentials can be fully developed and each can contribute to the society.
The school encourages teaching staff to have professional development and teachers to follow closely the development of education and curriculum. The teaching team strives for the excellence on developing a comprehensive curriculum to cater for different students’ learning needs and progress. While making reference to the Hong Chi Association Personal Assessment Guide for Students with Intellectual Disability (an assessment guide developed by Hong Chi Association and it covers all the aspects for ID students, such as teaching and learning, skills training for independent life at home, in the work place, in society, communication, sports, safety life, etc.), the school emphasises students’ biliterate, trilingual and numeracy skills and logic and creative thinking. In this connection, lesson time of English and Putonghua is increased, STEAM education is also stressed.
For personal development and student support, staff in Morninghope are meticulous to help cultivate and develop students’ potentials. To strengthen students’ confidence and self-efficacy, opportunities and platforms are always given to them, such as art galleries, concerts, dance shows, to demonstrate their talents. The school also liaises external organisations for different programme and works with universities for research, to enrich students’ other learning experiences. Students are provided skills training on social fitness and problem solving outside school when they first enter school in the Key Stage 1. Career counseling and internship are conducted to prepare for their smooth transition from school to work during senior secondary. Some of the school’s recent graduates became ballet dance teacher, assistants in flower shop, coffee shop and hydroponic firm.
What the school does for its students stems from beliefs and love. The school is grateful to have parents as its companion. For the betterment of each student, the school creates ample opportunities to develop their potentials in full and positive attitudes to face challenges ahead.
Highlights of Cross-curricular activity day in 2022/23 school year: (English version) |