Marycove School

School for
Social Development
(The following information is provided by the school.)
Marycove School is a social development Catholic school for girls set up in 1968 by the Sisters of the Good Shepherd, which was founded by Sister Mary in 1835 in France with a view to providing different social services for women with family problems. Established for over 50 years, Marycove School continues to strive to provide a safe and caring environment for girls with special emotional and behavioural needs.
The school follows the motto from St.Mary Magdalen, “A person’s value is more than the world.”
In order to bring out the best of the students, Marycove School focusses not only on academic achievement, but also on emotional education and skills-based education. The integration of emotional education in the school curriculum is the first of its kind among the social development schools in Hong Kong.
Emotional education is integrated in the school curriculum because the school believes that mental well-being is the cornerstone of personal development. Professional counselling coach is hired to hold workshops and counselling sessions for the students, who can learn about some basic coping strategies to handle different emotional issues.
To unleash students’ potential in different areas, Marycove School partners with different institutions to provide skills-based education for junior form students in the school curriculum, including Music, Physical Education, Visual Arts and Career-oriented courses. Students will be awarded with Certificates upon completion of the courses. Details are as follows:
- Music: music composition, music arrangement, vocal training and Performing Arts.
- Physical Education: physical fitness and professional dancing training.
- Arts: Expressive Arts, creative media, stylist training, cosmetic, hair-dressing and manicure.
- Technology: electronic sports, photography, film-making and shooting.
- Career-Oriented Workshops: Chinese-style and western-style Dessert making, public relations and MC training.
Marycove School will continue to collaborate with some tertiary institutions to provide a school-based Applied Learning course on Fashion and Design, which is pegged at Qualification Framework Level 3 after students successfully complete the course. The result will also appear on the students’ DSE certificate. Students can certainly explore options, such as further study or work in related areas afterwards. Other Applied Learning Courses like Creative Media Course will also be provided to students in due course to better prepare students to meet the increasing demands of society.
Marycove School believes that with love and care, students’ talents can be properly nurtured and potential fully developed. They can then become responsible citizens who are able to serve our society with pride.