Caritas Resurrection School

School for Children with
Moderate Intellectual Disability
(The following information is provided by the school.)
- It is a Catholic school of Hong Kong Caritas, which provides P.1 to S.6 special education services to students with moderate intellectual disability. The school mottos are: “Respecting God and Loving One Another. Diligence and Modesty. Honesty and Integrity.”
- Three tiers model - Individualised Education Programmes (IEP) are designed based on students’ developmental needs and characteristics. Subjects include: NOVA?, Independent Living, General Studies, Applied Language, Community Living, Visual Arts, Music, Physical Education, Career Education, Applied Mathematics, Technology and Living, Moral Education, Integrated Arts Education, etc..
- In order to facilitate the whole-person development of students, the school provides all-rounded learning activities and different professional therapies and services, through cross-sectors collaborations. It includes: speech therapy, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, choreotherapy, social work counselling, educational psychology service and medical care service.
- Facilities include: Physiotherapy room, Multi-sensory room, Speech therapy rooms, Happy Garden (Horticultural therapy and Workplace training venue), Happy Club (Convenience store training center), Happy Home (Living skills and work training center).
We all are designers
- Everyone has the potential to create. The school believes that each student is a designer. Through facilitating students to make their own series of products based on their artistic creation, they could share with people in the community about their inner thoughts and their potentials.
Key learning stages for students
- Lower primary
- Happy Day Programme
- P.1 students encounter challenges in social communication, self-care and emotion regulation. This transition programme facilitates students to adapt a new learning environment in primary school setting through cross-subject, cross-professional disciplines, multiple dimensions, real life situations, and interesting learning experiences.
- Happy Day Programme
- Upper primary and junior secondary
- An integrated learning programme which is based on real life context, experiential learning strategy and a cross subject theme, provides students a set of systematic, interesting and explorative activities.
- Life wide learning local and overseas study tour
- Each year, all students will join a theme-based local and overseas study tour with pre-tour learning activities through the collaboration from various subjects and therapy training. Their learning outcomes will be shared with each other and parents in a Fun fair, in which students will apply and consolidate what they have learnt.
- Senior secondary
- The Hong Kong Award for Young People (AYP)
- All students who reach the age of 14 will join the AYP programme. Through pursuing the awards, students will demonstrate their learning outcomes after 12 years of learning through systematic training in 5 sections: Service, Expeditions, Skills, Physical Recreation and Residential Project.
- Happy series: Work education
- In order to prepare students for transition to adult life after graduation, a work education curriculum based on real-life work settings has been launched for them, e.g. Happy Club (Convenience store), Happy Garden (Horticulture), Happy Home (Hotel housekeeping).
- The Hong Kong Award for Young People (AYP)