C.C.C. Kei Shun Special School

School for Children with
Mild Intellectual Disability
(The following information is provided by the school.)
Kei Shun School is established in the year of 1979 by the Hong Kong Council of the Church of Christ in China (HKCCCC). The school is dedicated to the spirit of Christ and the school motto “not to be served but to serve”. “Through-train” education is provided to students with mild intellectual disability. Within their 12 years of study, effective pedagogical practices such as small class teaching will be used to ensure quality education for all.
Adequate and comprehensive support is given to the students. Over the years, the school has recruited professionals from different disciplines, teachers with special education training, Native English-speaking teacher, speech therapist, occupational therapist, play therapist, nurse, social worker and educational psychologist. It is expected that the professional knowledge and capacity of the school staff will not only provide holistic education for the students but also nurture and inspire their potentials.
At Kei Shun School, the ethos of excellence is a long-established source of pride for the teachers. The school adheres to the principle of diversified teaching by developing tailor-made learning materials and assigning students into different groups according to their learning capacities.
Besides, with the focus on e-learning and career planning, the school would not only imbue the students with a strong moral compass and a social conscience but also equip them with independent living skills that will guide them through their lives.
The school promises:
- To provide indiscriminatory support to the students. No one will be left behind.
- To ensure joyful and healthy school life by putting the students at the top priority.
- To provide diversified professional supports to students, schools and organisations in the community.
“One life, one mentor, one physical and aesthetic activity group, one uniform group”
Through sustainable and systematic development in the existing curriculum, students’ artistic and athletic potential will be adequately nourished and developed. Furthermore, in order to reinforce students’ collaboration, problem solving skills and obedience, the school will continue to advocate the importance of team learning.
Experiential Learning Project for Students with Special Educational Needs (ESSEN)
Kei Shun School has implemented adventure-based learning (ABL) and virtual reality based learning (VRL) to provide a more diversified learning experience for the students. Over 70 teaching kits are developed for the state-of-the-art immersive cave system. Students are able to acquire essential living and problem-solving skills through different simulated scenarios which can hardly be created in a normal school setting.
Furthermore, the school has incorporated the mobile adventure frame into the school environment. With the aid of the adventure frame, teachers are able to apply suitable ABL activities for the students in which they can not only experience adversity but can also learn from their mistakes.
E-learning and management
By initiating the school wide e-learning scheme and adopting diversified teaching pedagogies, the school is enhancing teaching and learning effectiveness and stimulate students’ personal growth.
- each classroom is equipped with interactive whiteboard
- over 600 interactive e-books are designed by the teachers in the e-book project (Rainbow Star)
- over 60 teaching software is created for the 3 interactive humanoid robots (ROBOT4SEN)
- through BYOD project, over half of the students have their own mobile computer devicesadditional funding has been requested to construct the STEM room for bringing different scientific elements into students’ learning experience
- STAR evaluation platform and central management system are used to collect data of students’ performance and behavior
Utilising the whole school approach to initiate student support service
Apart from the mentioned student support services, the school also provides play therapy, behavior training therapy, expressive art therapy, horticultural therapy, art therapy, etc..