Underlying Principles

The Government adopts a dual-track mode in providing special education.  The Education Bureau (EDB) will, subject to the assessment and recommendations of specialists and the consent of parents, refer students with more severe or multiple disabilities to aided special schools for intensive support services.  Meanwhile, EDB implements the Integrated Education (IE) Policy, other students with special educational needs will attend ordinary schools.

From the perspective of the education profession and with due consideration of the learning needs of students, EDB has been reviewing the development of special education and injecting resources to enhance the quality of education.  Schools strive to help students overcome their limitations and difficulties, attain the learning level in accordance with their abilities, and realise their potential at different developmental stages so that they can gradually become independent persons with adaptability and the learning-to-learn capabilities to embrace the challenges in life.

Please refer to the Information Sheet on Special Education for details.

The following video introduces the development of special education in Hong Kong and the support measures for students with SEN:


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