Mental Health Literacy Resource Kit (Chinese version only)
Research shows that people with autism are at a higher risk of developing mental illness such as depression and anxiety compared to the general population. They need to enhance their mental health literacy to prevent related issues. In view of this, the Education Bureau has released the Mental Health Literacy Resource Kit - Gratitude Train - A Journey Through Ten Gratitude Stations and resource materials on Understanding Depression, designed for students in upper primary school or above.

Video Modelling
‘Video Modelling’ learning and teaching resource utilises video examples to enable students to observe the actions of the demonstrators and then imitate them, with the aim of achieving mastery of the target behaviours. Relevant researches indicate that video modelling can effectively enhance various skills of students with SEN, particularly those with autism spectrum disorder.
Resource package for Stress and Anxiety Management
Education Bureau has integrated a series of resources for teachers and school guidance personnel to use in group or individual training to help students with autism regulate their emotions and manage stress.
Teaching Video Sharing (Chinese version only)
The following teaching videos are about two evidence-based strategies for supporting students with autism spectrum disorder. They illustrate vividly the features and essence of the two strategies with cases. The student in the video is an actor and is not a real case.

Whole School Approach to Providing Tiered Support for Students with ASD – School Support Model Resource Manual for Senior Secondary School (Chinese version only)
Resource for supporting senior secondary school students with ASD

Whole School Approach to Providing Tiered Support for Students with ASD – School Support Model Operation Manual for Primary school (Chinese version only)
Resource for supporting primary school students with ASD

Whole School Approach to Providing Tiered Support for Students with ASD – School Support Model Operation Manual for Secondary school (Chinese version only)
Resource for supporting secondary school students with ASD

Small group training resource package published in the 'JC A-Connect : Jockey Club Autism Support Network' for students with autism spectrum disorder (Chinese version only)
Training resource package for students with autism spectrum disorder

Mind Reading III and IV : Instructional package on ‘Teaching children with autism spectrum disorder to understand and manage emotions’ (suitable for primary schools) (Chinese version only)
Instructional package suitable for primary schools

Twice Exceptional Students: Gifted Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (Chinese Version Only)
This teaching resource introduces the characteristics of gifted students with Autism Spectrum Disorder, and illustrates how to devise support strategies based on strengths, to support students in overcoming their difficulties and realizing their potentials.

The Guide on the Resource Teaching Programme for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Special Schools (Chinese version only)
Resource for supporting students with ASD in special schools