Online Resource on Learning Strategies on Expository Discourse for Secondary School Students
The main targets of the online resource are junior secondary school students. It is also suitable for upper primary school students. The content covers six expository discourse types, which are enumeration, description, procedure, comparison and contrast, causal explanation and problem-solving.

Supporting Non-Chinese Speaking Students with Speech and Language Impairment : School-Based Identification and Support Framework
This resource is a school-based identification and support framework that assists schools in identifying and supporting NCS students in need of school-based speech therapy service. The framework includes “Student Language Background Questionnaire”, “Student Performance Data Collection Form” and “Parent Interview Form” for schools to understand the language learning of NCS students.

Resource Package on Narrative Skills and Utterance Expansion
The resource package aims at introducing to primary schools students, teachers and parents concepts on utterance construction and narration skills (story schema).

“Consolidating Communication - Promoting Learning” – Online Resource for Enhancing Language Organisation Skills of Students
This resource targets at junior secondary students and is also applicable to upper primary students.

Resource Package on Social Communication Skills
The package aims to introduce general and common social communication skills through ten stories. Through these interactive games, social communication skills of students would be enhanced.

Curriculum-based Language Support Programme (CLASP) Online Teaching Resources
The teaching resources are developed by integrating the characteristics of language acquisition and academic learning, and by incorporating the experience of and teaching materials developed by front-line teachers who participated in the CLASP over the years.

Resource Package on Verbal Comprehension and Expression
The resource package, comprising ten daily life scenarios, aims at enhancing the receptive and expressive language abilities of junior primary students.

Resource Package on Discourse Comprehension Strategies
This resource targets at senior primary and junior secondary students with language learning difficulties.

Resource Package on Language Enhancement Strategies
The resource package was produced with a view to embedding speech therapy techniques into daily teaching.

Resource Package on Vocabulary Enhancement Strategies
The package aims at introducing some vocabulary enhancement strategies for facilitating the vocabulary acquisition of students.

Video on Vocal Hygiene for Students
The video CD introduces voice problems of students and management methods to school heads, teachers and parents.

Resource Package on Correcting Students’ Misarticulation I & II
The video CD introduces to teachers and parents about articulation problems of students and basic skills to correct the articulation errors.

Resource Package on Proper Cantonese Pronunciation
The package aims to enhance the awareness of common Cantonese mispronunciations of students and their skills in proper Cantonese pronunciation.